Belshe & Prown (2012) - Much has been made over the approach of “the end of the calendar”, set to take place on December 21, 2012, at least from a Mayan perspective. We cannot accurately predict what’s going to happen, if anything at all, until
 Or, will chaos, doomsday, and end of time predictions actually be realized? If we survive the arrival of 12-21-12, will consciousness change, as a result of being thrust into a new era? Will Nostradamus’s predictions come true, for a cosmic collisio
  THE SKY IS FALLING!  aims to explore hypothetical answers and commentary, serving as a cauldron, from the blasphemous to the reassuring, as we approach 12-21-12. Curated by Alan Baer.
 Belshe & Prown (2012) - Much has been made over the approach of “the end of the calendar”, set to take place on December 21, 2012, at least from a Mayan perspective. We cannot accurately predict what’s going to happen, if anything at all, until

Belshe & Prown (2012) - Much has been made over the approach of “the end of the calendar”, set to take place on December 21, 2012, at least from a Mayan perspective. We cannot accurately predict what’s going to happen, if anything at all, until that date finally arrives. Will we ease into a new 26,000 year celestial cycle effortlessly?

 Or, will chaos, doomsday, and end of time predictions actually be realized? If we survive the arrival of 12-21-12, will consciousness change, as a result of being thrust into a new era? Will Nostradamus’s predictions come true, for a cosmic collisio

Or, will chaos, doomsday, and end of time predictions actually be realized? If we survive the arrival of 12-21-12, will consciousness change, as a result of being thrust into a new era? Will Nostradamus’s predictions come true, for a cosmic collision of catastrophic proportions? Is there any hope or future left?

  THE SKY IS FALLING!  aims to explore hypothetical answers and commentary, serving as a cauldron, from the blasphemous to the reassuring, as we approach 12-21-12. Curated by Alan Baer.

THE SKY IS FALLING! aims to explore hypothetical answers and commentary, serving as a cauldron, from the blasphemous to the reassuring, as we approach 12-21-12. Curated by Alan Baer.
